
Differences between Polyester and Cotton Fabrics in Fashion Bandung

Polyester and cotton are common fabric materials used in men’s everyday fashion. They are durable, versatile, and provide comfort. Fashion Bandung explains how to differentiate between the two materials.

Đặc Tính Của Vải Polyester Và Cotton

Comparison of Polyester and Cotton Fabrics

Polyester and cotton fabrics are two commonly used materials for clothing and other textile applications. Both fabrics have their own unique characteristics and properties that make them suitable for different uses.

Polyester fabric is a synthetic material made from petroleum-based products. It is known for its durability and strength, making it resistant to wrinkles, shrinking, and stretching. Polyester is also a quick-drying fabric, making it ideal for outdoor activities or sports clothing. Additionally, polyester fabrics are less prone to fading and can retain their color for a longer period of time compared to cotton.

On the other hand, cotton fabric is a natural material that comes from the fibers of the cotton plant. It is known for its softness and breathability, making it comfortable to wear, especially in hot and humid climates. Cotton fabrics are also highly absorbent, allowing them to absorb moisture and keep the wearer dry. Moreover, cotton is hypoallergenic and less likely to cause skin irritation or allergies.

In terms of care and maintenance, polyester fabric is easier to care for as it is less prone to wrinkling and shrinking. It can be machine-washed and dried without special considerations. Cotton fabrics, however, require more attention when it comes to washing and drying to prevent shrinking and wrinkling. They are also more prone to fading and may require special detergent or bleach for stain removal.

In summary, polyester fabric offers durability, wrinkle resistance, and color retention, making it suitable for sportswear and outdoor clothing. Cotton fabric, on the other hand, provides comfort, breathability, and moisture absorption, making it ideal for everyday wear and hot climate conditions. The choice between polyester and cotton ultimately depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user.

The difference between Polyester and Cotton fabric.

Polyester and cotton, in general, may not have obvious differences. Many people make misconceptions about these two materials. However, if you observe closely and feel them, you will notice distinct differences.

Đặc tính của vải

There are several differences in the characteristics of these two fabric materials. Just by feeling the touch of the fabric on the skin, a person can immediately recognize and distinguish each type. Therefore, we can easily differentiate between the two materials.

Cotton fabric is a type of textile made from the fibers of the cotton plant. It is known for its softness, breathability, and durability. Cotton fabric is widely used in the production of clothing, bedding, and many other household items. It is a popular choice for warm weather garments due to its ability to absorb and release moisture, keeping the wearer cool and comfortable. Cotton fabric can be found in a variety of weights and finishes, ranging from lightweight and crisp to heavy and textured. Its versatility, comfort, and natural properties make it a popular choice among consumers worldwide.

Polyester fabric is a type of textile made from synthetic fibers. It is widely used in the fashion and textile industry due to its durability, wrinkle resistance, and ability to retain color well. Polyester fabric is made through a process called polymerization, where raw materials are transformed into long, thread-like fibers. These fibers are then woven or knitted together to create a versatile fabric that can be used in various applications, including clothing, upholstery, and home furnishings. Polyester fabric offers several advantages, such as being resistant to stretching and shrinking, as well as being easy to care for and maintain. It is also known for its quick-drying properties, making it ideal for sportswear and outdoor clothing. With its versatility and wide range of benefits, polyester fabric has become a popular choice in many industries.

  • Vải được làm 100% từ sợi thiên nhiên nên mềm mịn, thoáng mát và thấm hút mồ hôi tốt. 
  • Phù hợp với mọi làn da khác nhau, nhất là với làn da nhạy cảm. 
  • Trên mặt vải có những sợi bông xù li ti. Vải sờ mát tay, mịn và không có bị có cảm giác lạnh. 
  • Vải dễ bị xù lông, dễ xuất hiện các nếp gấp nếu bạn gấp quần áo trong thời gian lâu mà không sử dụng. 
  • Khi giặt, vải có thể bị mất đi form dáng quần áo ban đầu. Một số chất liệu áo thun bị nhạt màu dần sau mỗi lần giặt.
  • Vải mềm mịn, không xuất hiện sợi bông bị xù. 
  • Vải có độ bền lâu, tính đàn hồi cao, khả năng thấm hút mồ hôi và thoáng mát tốt. 
  • Vải rất thích hợp sản xuất những loại quần áo mùa hè. Đáp ứng nhu cầu di chuyển và ra mồ hôi nhiều do nhiệt độ lên cao. 
  • Polyester không có đặc tính thoáng và mát mẻ bằng vải Cotton. Khả năng thoáng khí kém hơn. Một số loại da nhạy cảm có thể không thích hợp mặc quần áo từ chất liệu này. 
  • Form quần áo giữ được lâu, không bị hư hỏng form dáng hoặc bị nhăn. 

Thành phần của vải

The fibers used in the production of these two fabric lines are completely different. While they have several different characteristics, they still share some similar traits.

See More:  Understanding Lotus fabric: A closer look at this innovative sustainable textile.

Cotton fabric is a type of textile made from the fibers of the cotton plant. It is known for its softness, breathability, and versatility. Cotton is widely used in the fashion and textile industry due to its many desirable qualities. It can be woven into different types of fabrics, such as jersey, twill, and denim, making it suitable for a variety of clothing items, including shirts, dresses, and pants. Cotton is also used in home furnishings like bedsheets, curtains, and towels. With its natural comfort, durability, and ease of care, cotton fabric remains a popular choice for both everyday wear and interior decoration.

Polyester fabric is a type of textile made from synthetic fibers that are derived from petroleum. It is known for its versatility and wide range of applications. Polyester fabric is highly durable, resistant to wrinkles, and has good shape retention. It is also lightweight, breathable, and quick-drying, making it popular for use in various industries such as fashion, sportswear, home furnishings, and even medical textiles. Additionally, polyester fabric can be blended with other fibers to enhance its properties and create unique fabric blends. Overall, polyester fabric is a reliable and cost-effective choice for many different uses due to its strong and versatile characteristics.

Made entirely from natural fibers.

The fabric is woven from natural cotton fibers. These fibers are harvested by local people from familiar cotton plants. After going through the production and processing process, the cotton fruit forms fibers and helps to weave the fabric more quickly.

Due to its natural fiber source, cotton fabric is soft and gentle, making it suitable even for the most sensitive skin types.

Made entirely from synthetic fibers.

All fabric fibers are made from a combination of polyethylene terephthalate, also known as PET. They are created from oil and gas, and undergo processing to form polyester fibers for clothing production.

Quy trình sản xuất

The manufacturing process of Polyester and Cotton fabrics is highly unique and distinctive. Each type of fabric is woven using different weaving techniques based on its specific characteristics and properties.

Quy Trình Sản Xuất Của Vải Polyester  Và  Vải Cotton

The manufacturing process of Polyester fabric and Cotton fabric involves several steps and techniques.

For Polyester fabric production, the process begins with the creation of polymer chips through a chemical reaction involving petroleum or natural gas. These chips are then melted and extruded through spinnerets to form long continuous filaments. These filaments are cooled and solidified to create polyester fiber. The fibers are then spun into yarns, which can be further processed into various types of polyester fabrics.

On the other hand, the production of Cotton fabric starts with cultivating cotton plants and harvesting the cotton bolls. The cotton fibers are then separated from the seeds through ginning. After ginning, the fibers undergo carding to remove impurities and align the fibers in a parallel form. This is followed by combing to further straighten and remove short fibers. The resulting slivers are then spun into yarns, which are used to create cotton fabrics.

Both Polyester and Cotton fabrics go through additional processes such as weaving or knitting to create the desired fabric structure. After weaving or knitting, the fabrics are often treated with chemicals to enhance their properties, such as dyeing for color or finishing for added softness or wrinkle resistance.

Overall, the production processes of Polyester fabric and Cotton fabric involve multiple stages of chemical reactions, fiber formation, yarn spinning, and fabric construction, resulting in the final textile products.

Đối với vải Cotton

Along the weaving lines of cotton fabric, there are often gaps. When exposed to water, the cotton fabric absorbs water effectively. The cotton fibers expand and fill these gaps.

Therefore, Cotton is often favored when sewing clothes in the summer season. To enhance the durability of the fabric, manufacturers also apply an additional layer of wax on the surface of the fabric.

Đối với sợi Polyester

The production process of polyester fabric is complex and requires modern technology. The polyester fibers are heated at the highest temperature to melt. The liquid, after being heated, will then flow through small holes to form fabric fibers. Afterwards, they will solidify to create a large fabric sheet. Polyester fabric is highly regarded for its durability and strength.

Which fabric is better: Polyester or Cotton?

When comparing the characteristics, uses, and properties of Polyester and Cotton fabrics, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Each type possesses specific properties that make them suitable for different types of clothing. However, individuals sometimes struggle with choosing the appropriate fabric for their skin and intended use.


Polyester fabric is a type of textile that is made from synthetic fibers. It is known for its durability, wrinkle resistance, and ability to retain its shape. Polyester fabric is made from a polymer called polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is formed through a process called polymerization. This fabric is commonly used in clothing, upholstery, and various other textile applications. It comes in a wide range of colors and patterns, and is often blended with other fibers to enhance its properties. Overall, polyester fabric is a versatile and popular choice in the textile industry.

Cotton Fabric is a type of fabric made from cotton fibers.


The following text provides a detailed description of the components or ingredients that make up a certain product or substance.

  • Được làm từ 100% sợi tổng hợp. Trải qua quá trình nung nấu, tan chảy và công nghệ dệt hiện đại để cho ra thành phẩm vải chất lượng.
  • Được làm từ 100% sợi tự nhiên. Quả bông sau khi được thu hoạch về, trải qua quá trình tạo sợi tự nhiên để tạo nên số lượng lớn sợi. Sau đó, các sợi được dệt để tạo thành tấm vải lớn.

Durability of the fabric refers to its ability to withstand wear, tear, and damage over time. This characteristic is crucial in determining the lifespan and quality of the fabric. A fabric with high durability will maintain its appearance and strength even after repeated use and washing. Factors such as the type of fibers, weaving techniques, and finishing treatments can greatly impact the durability of a fabric.

  • Có độ bền cao. Vải được dệt từ sợi nhân tạo cho nên tính đàn hồi và khả năng co giãn tốt. Dùng thời gian lâu vẫn không bị phai màu vải. 
  • Giặt nhiều lần nhưng vải vẫn giữ nguyên được chất lượng ban đầu, không bị nhàu hoặc giãn. Đồng thời, xếp gấp lâu vẫn không bị để lại vết gấp trên quần áo.
  • Thường dễ bị rút sau nhiều lần giặc. Vải có thể bị phai hoặc nhạt màu nếu không bảo quản và phơi quần áo ở nơi thoáng mát.
  • Xếp hoặc gấp lâu trong tủ sẽ có vết lằn gấp trên áo, làm mất đi chất lượng áo ban đầu nên cần cẩn thận khi giặc, sử dụng và bảo quản. 

The ability to absorb sweat and provide breathability.

  • Có thể mặc khi trời nóng hoặc vào hè. Mật độ vải cao hơn so với Cotton, có tính thấm hút mồ hôi, khoáng thoáng và mau khô mồ hôi nhanh. Thích hợp với một số hoạt động ngoài trời.
  • Dọc theo sợi dệt có những khoảng trống. Khi vải gặp mồ hôi hoặc nước, các cục bông sẽ thấm hút tốt và nở ra lấp đầy các khoảng trống đó. 
  • Đồng thời, được làm từ 100% sợi thiên nhiên nên vải có đặc tính mát mẻ, thoáng và dễ chịu hơn rất nhiều mỗi khi mặc. Người mặc sẽ cảm nhận được tính nhẹ, thoáng và thoải mái. 

Ability of skin reactivity

  • Do được làm từ sợi tổng hợp nên trong vải có chứa một số thành phần hóa học. Các chất này sẽ gây kích ứng và không phù hợp với một số loại da. Nhất là da nhạy cảm.
  • Do được làm từ sợi thiên nhiên 100% nên vải phù hợp với mọi loại da khác nhau. Dù da nhạy cảm vẫn không lo bị kích ứng. 
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In conclusion, both Polyester and Cotton fabrics have their own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the target audience and purpose of use, individuals can choose the appropriate fabric material for themselves.

Vải Polyester Và Cotton Loại Vải Nào Tốt Hơn? 

Which fabric is better, Polyester or Cotton?

When it comes to determining the superiority of Polyester and Cotton fabrics, several factors need to be considered.

Polyester is a synthetic fabric made from polymer fibers. It is known for its durability, wrinkle resistance, and ability to retain color over time. Polyester is also resistant to shrinking and stretching, making it an ideal choice for garments that require frequent washing or heavy use. Additionally, polyester has moisture-wicking properties, which means it can draw moisture away from the body, keeping the wearer dry and comfortable.

On the other hand, Cotton is a natural fabric derived from the fibers of the cotton plant. It is highly breathable and absorbent, making it perfect for hot and humid climates. Cotton is also hypoallergenic, as it does not irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions. Moreover, cotton is known for its softness, comfort, and ability to regulate body temperature, providing a cool and cozy feeling to the wearer.

When it comes to comparing the two fabrics, the choice ultimately depends on personal preferences and the intended use of the fabric. Polyester may be preferred for its durability and resistance to wrinkles, while cotton may be favored for its breathability and natural feel against the skin. Consideration should also be given to specific requirements such as moisture-wicking properties and hypoallergenic qualities.

In conclusion, both Polyester and Cotton have their own unique characteristics and advantages. The decision of which fabric is better ultimately rests on the individual’s needs and preferences.

If the user’s skin is not sensitive and they do not engage in excessive outdoor activities, they should choose clothing made of Polyester fabric to ensure durability and maintain its shape when worn.

However, if it’s for baby’s skin or sensitive skin, you should consider choosing Cotton fabric to protect their health. Especially during the summer when sweating is more likely. For many types of sensitive skin, if you don’t choose the appropriate fabric, there can be cases that may affect their health.

Ways to identify Polyester and Cotton fabric.

From the comparison chart above, it is important for the wearer to be able to distinguish between two types of fabrics – Polyester and Cotton – when choosing clothes to purchase. This is crucial because it not only affects durability and functionality but also in some cases, choosing incorrectly can cause skin irritation. You can refer to some of the following methods to differentiate between the two fabrics:

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Kiểm tra bằng thị giác

Polyester fabric has a soft, smooth, and non-rough surface when touched. It is highly stretchable and elastic, providing a cool and non-wrinkled feel. The woven lines on the fabric are even, beautiful, and aesthetically pleasing. Polyester fabric does not wrinkle or crease easily, even when clothes are folded.

Cotton fabric is made from natural fibers. When you touch the surface of the fabric, you will feel its roughness due to lint. It is soft, smooth, lightweight, and breathable, making it suitable for wearing in the summer. However, if folded for a long time without being used, the clothing will have crease marks and it is prone to wrinkles. The fabric has poor durability.

Cách Nhận Biết Vải Polyester Và Cotton Bằng Thị Giác

How to visually distinguish between polyester and cotton fabric:

Kiểm tra bằng nhiệt

When burned, Polyester fiber is difficult to ignite. If it does catch fire, it does not produce ash but rather forms a black lump. It has an unpleasant odor when burned, which closely resembles the smell of burning nylon if it is blended with cotton in low proportions.

When burning Cotton fabric, it will behave similarly to burning paper. The flame ignites quickly and has a pinkish-red color. Once burned completely, the fabric leaves behind a gray ash residue that is soft, smooth, and easy to crumble.

Cách Nhận Biết Vải Polyester Và Cotton Bằng Nhiệt Độ

How to identify Polyester and Cotton fabrics using temperature differences

Kiểm tra bằng nước

When a few drops of water are applied to polyester fabric, you will notice that the water takes a long time to soak into the fabric. Instead, it forms droplets that roll back and forth on the surface of the fabric.

Similar to cotton fabric, when it comes into contact with water, the water quickly absorbs into the fabric and spreads out. If it is hot weather, the wet area will dry within a few minutes.

Cách Nhận Biết Vải Polyester Và Cotton Bằng Nước

Method of distinguishing between Polyester and Cotton using water

When trying to differentiate between polyester and cotton fabrics, one can use a simple water test. First, make sure to have a small sample of each fabric, such as a thread or a small swatch. Then, fill a bowl or a sink with water, making sure it is deep enough to fully submerge the fabric samples.

Begin by placing the polyester fabric sample into the water. Polyester is a synthetic fabric that is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water. As a result, the polyester fabric will float on the water’s surface.

Next, take the cotton fabric sample and immerse it into the water. Unlike polyester, cotton is a natural fiber that is hydrophilic, which means it readily absorbs water. As a result, the cotton fabric will sink in the water and become fully saturated.

By observing the behavior of the fabric samples in water, one can easily distinguish between polyester and cotton. Polyester will float, while cotton will sink and absorb water. This method can be helpful for identifying fabrics when the labels are missing or if one desires to confirm the authenticity of a fabric.

Application of polyester and cotton fabric

Polyester and cotton fabrics are highly versatile and commonly used in men’s fashion. These fabrics are used in a wide range of products, including t-shirts, dress shirts, vests, blazers, and jackets. Many men’s clothing items are made primarily from these fabric materials. Let’s take a look at some examples of men’s products made from polyester and cotton.

Áo Thun Nam

Choosing the perfect item for the summer that you cannot miss out on is the men’s t-shirt. This type of shirt allows the wearer to transform their look with various styles and designs.

  • Đối với áo thun được may từ vải Polyester,sẽ thoáng mát, thấm hút mồ hôi nhanh. Nhờ đặc điểm Quick Dry hoặc Wicking nên chàng sẽ luôn thoải mái khi diện. Tiết kiệm thời gian, không phải ủi nhưng áo vẫn đẹp và chuẩn form.
  • Áo thun nam được may từ sợi Cotton sẽ giúp thấm hút mồ hôi nhanh, mát mẻ và thoáng khí. Người mặc không cảm thấy khó chịu và nóng bức khi mặc. Giá thành áo thun vải Cotton cũng phù hợp.

Áo Thun Nam Từ Vải Polyester Và Cotton 

Men’s T-shirt made from a blend of Polyester and Cotton fabric.

Áo Tank Top Nam

The Men’s Mesh Tank Top has become a popular fashion trend among men in recent years. This design provides a sporty, modern, and stylish look. It can be worn casually as well as for workouts at the gym.

Men’s Polyester Tank Top is made from high-quality polyester fabric. It is designed with a sleeveless style and is perfect for casual and athletic wear. The tank top offers a comfortable fit and allows for easy movement during various activities. The polyester fabric is known for its durability, moisture-wicking properties, and quick-drying abilities, making it suitable for active individuals. This stylish tank top is available in various colors and sizes, catering to different preferences and body types. Stay cool and trendy with this versatile and comfortable polyester tank top for men.

Cotton Fiber Tank Top

  • ở hữu màu sắc và họa tiết đẹp, sắc sảo và độc đáo. 
  • Hình ảnh và màu in rõ, sống động và chất lượng. 
  • Áo giữ form tốt, tôn lên các đường nét cơ thể mạnh mẽ của chàng trai.
  • Không những thế, vải polyester hiện nay được sử dụng thêm công nghệ mới và pha trộn thêm thành phần sợi carbon. Chính vì thế, mặc sẽ không còn nóng hoặc bí bách. Trái lại là cảm giác thoải mái và tự tin hoạt động.

Although the shape and color of the fabric are not like synthetic fibers, the shirt received positive reviews for its breathability, coolness, and comfort when worn. Even during high activity levels, it does not cause any discomfort.

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Áo Tank Top Nam Từ Vải Polyester Và Cotton 

The Tank Top is a men’s garment made from a combination of Polyester and Cotton fabric.

Áo Polo Nam

The Polo shirt for men is a common item found in the wardrobe of many men. It is suitable for all four seasons and can be styled in various fashion styles. Choosing the right fabric will help you to keep the shirt for a long time.

  • Áo polo từ vải Polyester: Chất liệu giúp áo luôn giữ được form chuẩn. Dù dùng lâu, giặt nhiều lần nhưng dáng hoặc màu sắc áo không thay đổi. Bạn có thể mix cùng quần kaki dài để tôn lên sự trẻ trung và năng động. 
  • Áo polo từ sợi Polyester: Đáp ứng yêu cầu của người tiêu dùng về sản phẩm mặc mùa hè cho lịch sự, nghiêm túc nhưng vẫn mát mẻ và thoải mái. Tính thấm hút mồ hôi nhanh, không tạo mùi hay sự ố vàng do hoạt động nhiều. 

Áo Polo Nam Từ Vải Polyester Và Cotton 

Polo shirts for men are made from a blend of Polyester and Cotton fabric.

Polyester and cotton fabrics have several differences. With modern science and technology, many manufacturers are overcoming the downsides of these two fabric materials. Pocket the ways to distinguish and the characteristics of polyester and cotton fabrics mentioned above to choose the appropriate product. Don’t forget to follow Fashion Bandung to stay updated with the latest fashion news.

Fashion Bandung – Men’s Fashion

Welcome to Fashion Bandung, the ultimate destination for men’s fashion. Our store offers a wide range of stylish clothing and accessories that cater to the unique fashion needs of men.

At Fashion Bandung, we understand the importance of looking your best and staying up to date with the latest trends. That’s why we carefully curate our collection to bring you the most fashionable pieces that will elevate your style game.

From trendy shirts and jeans to sophisticated suits and formal wear, we have it all. Our clothing is made from high-quality materials that ensure both comfort and durability. Whether you’re attending a casual gathering or a formal event, we have the perfect outfit for every occasion.

But fashion is not just limited to clothing. Accessories play a crucial role in completing the overall look. That’s why we offer a wide range of accessories including belts, ties, hats, and shoes to add that extra touch of style to your ensemble.

Our dedicated team of fashion experts is always ready to assist you in finding the perfect outfit and provide personalized styling advice. We believe that everyone deserves to look and feel their best, and we strive to make that a reality for all our customers.

So why wait? Visit Fashion Bandung today and discover a world of fashionable choices for men. Get ready to impress with our stylish and trendy collection that will make heads turn wherever you go. At Fashion Bandung, we bring fashion to you.

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What is Taiga leather? Its advantages, applications, and how to preserve Taiga leather.

Taiga leather refers to a type of leather made from the hides of animals found in the Taiga biome, which is a subarctic forest. This type of leather is known for its durability and resistance to harsh weather conditions, making it suitable for various applications.

One of the main advantages of Taiga leather is its strength and longevity. It is resistant to wear and tear, making it ideal for products that are frequently used or exposed to rough conditions. Additionally, Taiga leather has a unique grain pattern and texture, giving it a distinct and attractive appearance.

Taiga leather is commonly used in the production of outdoor gear and accessories such as backpacks, boots, and belts. Its resistance to water and cold temperatures makes it highly suitable for these types of products. Additionally, Taiga leather is often used in the automotive industry for the production of car interiors, as it can withstand constant use and exposure to sunlight.

To properly preserve Taiga leather, it is important to take certain steps. Firstly, it is recommended to clean the leather regularly using a mild soap and a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the leather. Secondly, it is advisable to apply a leather conditioner or moisturizer to keep the leather hydrated and prevent it from drying out. Lastly, store Taiga leather products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading and discoloration.

In summary, Taiga leather offers numerous advantages, including durability, resistance to harsh weather conditions, and an attractive appearance. It is commonly used in outdoor gear, accessories, and automotive interiors. Proper maintenance, such as regular cleaning and conditioning, is essential to preserve the quality and longevity of Taiga leather products.

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